Sulamilah Hariku
* MisCiko.Gadis biasa.Tiada yang istimewa buat diri ini.Bertatih mencari redha Ilahi bukannya pada manusia.Senyumlah diri ini biarpun duka yang tiba, pahit yang menyusul.kerana aku percaya,Allah sentiasa ada =') *

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: MisCikoPiko

Juz cool like cool blog ..
Thursday, 4 April 2013 | 08:32 | 2 comments
Assalamualaikum ^^

--psychotic breaks--

being a psycho,
juz a bad thing.

but, when we start to psycho another person,

it's the best thing!

You be arrested!

sapa suh curi koci hah!


Be my criminal forever n ever,
in jail of love.


wanna play?

not with me.

passion is powerful. 
no patient, nor enjoyment.

life is worthless.

let's the miracle crawling out slowly,
i'm waiting.

saboo je la.

yo..yo, chaiyok ciko!

 coolblog lover, peace ^^!

# Moral : Jangan cari pasal dengan cik ciko, nti masuk jail sama tumtum >.<
                      salah orang tuu..