Sulamilah Hariku
* MisCiko.Gadis biasa.Tiada yang istimewa buat diri ini.Bertatih mencari redha Ilahi bukannya pada manusia.Senyumlah diri ini biarpun duka yang tiba, pahit yang menyusul.kerana aku percaya,Allah sentiasa ada =') *

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Blog owner: MisCikoPiko

Just a small thing give a big DUSH!
Sunday, 10 March 2013 | 05:30 | 2 comments

'' Begin a day with the word of


with the intention only for the ONE,

ALLAH s.w.t,

try hard in finding YOUR Barakah,

 being a Productive Muslim,

turn the dream,

into the real thing,

with the big wave keep coming in front,


 keep trying,

set the mind,

on the button,

reset the old thing,


for this super osem DAY,

YOU give me this opportunity.


i'end the day with the big smile,

put the coolest sleep,

with the word



by: MisCiko

# there are a lot of small things we not realised until it became one part in our cycle of life. 

{ a big dush for me! i'm the one ...}