![]() ![]() ![]() * MisCiko.Gadis biasa.Tiada yang istimewa buat diri ini.Bertatih mencari redha Ilahi bukannya pada manusia.Senyumlah diri ini biarpun duka yang tiba, pahit yang menyusul.kerana aku percaya,Allah sentiasa ada =') * ![]() ![]() ![]() Skin by Ayien Cute favicon byBabydoll Blog owner: MisCikoPiko ![]()
| Hati itu milik ALLAH
Friday, 8 February 2013 | 20:53 | 0 comments
Maybe it juz a habit.
Everytime,every year. A day before we went back for a sem break, we will
gather around together and make a circle among us, turn off all lights and
started 'gurlz-gurlz talk'. Not a gossip yaa. Warning! Maybe, this is
called as a typical hobby for a girl. Just tell what you feel, what you think, and
what in your heart right now. Apa yang kita kurang puas hati, luahkan sahaja
waktu tu. And everyone will try to solve it together. This is one of the ways
on how we keep our friendship. And I totally love it. And the last night, a lot
of problems had been discussed with but this became a main topic………
‘ who’s in your heart
right now?’
Soklan cepumas! Yeuww, just a bit extreme topic for me to discuss
with. Maybe, they feel this is a normal topic yang memang waktu-waktu ni seorang
‘remaja’ akan membincangkan. okeh! muntah hijau. Well, I’m a bit shy person. betulkah?
do trust me. Susah bila nak berkongsi rahsia. And I’m only share it when I’m
totally ready, confident and 100% trust on those yang akan dengar secret tu.
But, when someone told her secret, and gave her trust on me to keep it. I do a
same thing. And as a normal human being, which had been given a strong healthy
heart in the middle upper of body, we must have a crush on someone, maybe at
least one in our circle of life. rite? Finally, there a lot super surprise yang
terbocor malam tu. haha!
Yang atas tu, baru
mukadimahnya. okeh, just a bit sharing from Hilal Asyraf.
Besederhana. Juz a super big nice word! I’m always in love
to read for what he wrote. Sometimes, there always something yang memang
terkena direct ja kat batang hidung ni. Aku pun selalu gak usha-usha someone
yang biasa-biasa ja tapi dia sentiasa berusaha menjadikan dirinya lebih dari
biasa-biasa. Means, he always trying his best in finding something new ‘ ilmu
ALLAH’ even though he maybe in difficult path to get it.
And I’m totally surprise what I got. Lotta surprise from my
housemate. Dalam diam –diam, ubi berisi rupanya. haha. well, jodoh itu tidak
mengenal usia dan rupa. Allah dah membuka dan menyenangkan jalannya. Alhamdulillah. and I hop u and him will
together until ke jinjang pelamin. aminn… And for those yang sudah mula ada
bunga-bunga cinta tu, take care your heart, and try your best to keep it on the
right track ^^ Mungkin susah kita nak hadapi suatu perkara yang tak pernah
disangka hadir, tapi mungkin kita tak perasan yang hati itu sudah bersedia nak
menghadapinya. And I’m wondering why my heart just not same like others or
maybe I had lost it somewhere?? Semua orang berbicara tentang bakal yang mereka
mahukan, bagaimana hati itu terasa dialah orangnya dan terasa ciri-ciri yang
pernah di ‘listkan sudah dipenuhi. Dan aku?
I’m cannot to describe what I’m truly feel about someone. Sometimes, I
felt that I had found someone. And the next day, it felt like a bit crazy. isshhh.
It’s totally wrong. But, that someone I knew just too nice for a girl like me.
ermmm. And when there is someone asked what do they look like? I cannot give
any answer because everyone is much better from me. I feel so tiny among them. I’m
so sorry. And this is a bit word for answering your question if you read this. Panjang juga la..
' Setiap manusia ada
masa silamnya dan zaman gelapnya termasuklah diri yang menaip ini. Aku tak
pernah memandang seseorang berdasarkan silamnya yang dahulu namun aku memandang
apa yang ada pada dirinya sekarang. Setiap orang ada salah silapnya dahulu
namun biarlah itu yang menjadi perisai kekuatan. Seteruk mana pun kita pada masa lalu, jadikan ia pengukur buat kita tidak berpatah balik.Buat apa kita bercakap perkara
yang lepas padahal benda yang mendatang belum tentu kita bersedia. Biarlah
orang lain tak tahu kita sedang berusaha namun hanya ALLAH yang mengetahui
setiap apa yang terdetik kita lakukan. Mungkin nilai pandangan manusia itu
berbeda, namun biarlah kita menjadi manusia yang sentiasa dalam keredhaan Ilahi.'
At least we try than
never. rite? When I’m trying to get hint, I got a lot in one time. And next, it
gone. Gone for a long time, then it coming back. And I will try to be a strong
girl. Bukan seorang yang mudah tewas. That why, I’ll not easily give my trust
to someone until there is someone dare to make a REAL DEAL. maybe. there will
be a someone. Bukannya aku tak kisah, cuma aku tak mahu sesuatu yang tak pasti.
This is my only heart, and I want to take care my best and do not want it break
on something hurt. Just a repetition, for now on. It’s time for us to change.
From a girl yang biasa-biasa tapi menjadi yang lebih dari biasa-biasa.
You are for what you
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